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Hello, and welcome! My name is Nicho Alvarado, writer, table top game master, and strategy game enthusiast. This is my website where I keep professional information as well as a location for me to publish my creative work all in one place. Whether you stumbled upon this place yourself, or were recommended here by a friend, I hope you enjoy your stay!

About the Author

I am a Michigan born author who studied English Literature and Media Design at the University of Chicago. My main focus of study was on apocalyptic fiction and how newer forms of media are changing our perception of this genre as climate change and political instability begin to grow more and more prevalent in our lives. It’s a little more hopeful than you’d think. I also once upon a time was a physics major before I decided math exams and problem sets were not my cup of tea. Nevertheless, I am still curious about physics and the ways in which the laws of our universe are very odd indeed.

At present, I am an independent writer, focusing on building up my creative portfolio while working on volunteer jobs in my community. I am a skilled copy-editor, argumentative writer, and I have a decent knowledge of web design and community organizing. For more details and professional inquiries, see my resume.

A collection of notebooks I’ve used over the years

Lucid Introduction

Lucid is a project that began as a short series of creative stories that I began writing on April 5th, 2015 when I was an IB high school student with no time on his hands. Since then, I’ve begun to flesh out this project into a fully fledged world made of short stories and, with a little time and patience, full length novels in the future. Hosted here are short stories that I wrote to flesh out the world’s mythos and lore. 

If you are new here, I recommend starting with the Mortal War, the origin myth that spins the tale of the first beings to inhabit the world and how they destroyed it. Afterwards, you’re free to read the rest of the story in any order you see fit, almost all of my stories are designed to be self-contained and do not require prior knowledge to engage with them, though I’m certain astute readers will start to see the links hidden just behind the Veil not too long after reading it.

For a full list of all creative work on this site, visit the Table of Contents where everything is organized by series.

On a final note, thank you for your patience as I get back into maintaining the website. Things are clearly a mess everywhere and I keep this site up, free of charge, to help give folks something continuous and fun to fill their time with. I hope it made your day just a little better.