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The Celestial Faith

“Our world is vast, much more than anyone could truly comprehend. Enterin is but one continent on Vester and Vester is but one planet around Tolvus. Yes, we can name each of the three continents and we have in fact named the eight other planets, once thought to be constant stars. But Nemra’s wonders do not stop there, far from it. Tolvus is just one star among billions. It should be no surprise that no nation from Tesia with all of its gold to Estrelin with all of its mages has counted every star in the sky. It is simply not possible and has never been since their inception. And if every star out there has even half the number of planets as Tolvus, then there are even more planets than there are stars. So far from us that you can’t even make them out despite their size and number. Now remember the fact that our entire world is just one plane among nine others. The world is always just a little more vast, and it all originated from the Source.” -The Teachings of Vivian Almark, ~1065.

The Celestial faith is the primary faith of Estrelin, Reyalen, and the Corlus Clans, with several variations across the continent. It is a polytheistic religion based off of several stellar constellations in the night sky on Vester. The exact number of gods in the canon varies from culture to culture but they are often divided into two or three groups. The Meta are the gods of change who state that all things end to ensure change can begin. The Eterna are the gods of stability who believe nothing should die so that nothing is lost. Occasionally some sects make reference to a third group who seek their own motives, whatever they may be.

An additional aspect of the religion is the concept of the Source, a mystical well where all magic and gods originated from before moving out into nine distinct universes. When creation was still young the Meta and Eterna went to war over the question of mortality and laid waste to the Source in the process. Since then, the gods have created new worlds to call home and have begun to guide their creations to enlightenment.

Historically, it is difficult to pin down an exact origin to this religion as it likely was the result of several regional religions blending in with each other after the Fall of the Enterin Empire. The exact ranges of these origins are believed to be 200 to 500 years after the Fall. This is also likely behind the reason for its decentralized nature across the continent with no head to the faith and several divided notions on canon from nation to nation.

The mythology is divided into three ages. The Age of the Source where the Celestials were created and waged war upon each other. The Age of Creation when peace reigned and the nine worlds were created. And finally the Age of the Fall which began with the Fall of the Enterin Empire and the Stellar Intervention when gods walked amongst humans. Many rulers use these myths as evidence of their legitimacy, often pledging their rule to one particular god in order to gain their blessing.

While the exact Pantheon varies from place to place these sixteen gods are almost always present:

The Meta:
Morven: God of the End
Mensra: God of Memory
Atark: Goddess of Heroes
Verna: Goddess of the River
Nemra: Goddess of Magic
Antara: Goddess of Metals
Havre: God of Nature
Selon: God of Disease

The Eterna
Palador: God of Justice
Terrus: Goddess of Stone
Dalmen: God of Physics
Ardae: God of Mathematics
Hiporus: God of Medicine
Mismen: God of Endurance
Vindus: Goddess of Sky
Despuen: Goddess of the Ocean

In the coming weeks, I will go through each of these gods and share their place within the mythology. If there is one in particular people want to hear about, I’ll be sure to mention them.

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